Both pulleys installed (one near the front of the rowers seat and one near the transom) and John cleaning up. Once the peanut butter on the pulleys sets up it is back to sanding. It will not be long until the boat is upside down again and we are doing the final filling of the screw holes and preparing for the bottom liner installation.

One of two installed pulley’s for the anchor rope.
The bottom of this photo is the fillet where the floor and transom meet.

Applying epoxy/wood flour mix (peanut butter) to the Anchor Pully Blocks to be attached to the floor for the Anchor Rope.

The Oar Blocks are installed with epoxy and bronze screws. Only need a pair of oar locks and it’s ready to row…….

The American Cherry Breasthook installed in the bow of the boat against the Ash Gunnels.

View of the boat on its dolly. It has amazed us how light this boat has remained – less than 200lbs. thus far. At the bottom of the photo is Lulu – John’s Setter doing a little quality control patrol.

Final sanding of the gunnels in preparation for coating them with epoxy.

The Breasthook is ready to be installed and the Ash gunnels are finished. In the middle of the seat (lower right center of pic) you will see one of the oar blocks which are ready to be installed also.

We placed the boat on the shop floor to calculate the placement of the foot brace. John got to sit inside the boat for the first time….looking great!

Installing the American Cherry Leg Locks in the Bow along with some under bow storage and a line stripping area to keep from getting tangles up. These will look great varnished!